My log book summary

Monday, 28 February 2011

Interference dari TV plasma

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Rupa-rupanya TV Plasma pun boleh menghasilkan Interference dalam freq HF. Mari kita sama-sama siasat bagaimana Interference ini berlaku.

Berikut adalah sumber daripada article Ham Radio News:

According to members of the Niagara Peninsula Amateur Radio Club, noise and signals originating from Plasma Screen digital television set are causing considerable interference to their HF activities and have asked RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) for help.

Complaints of this nature require specific and detailed information before RAC can consider taking this matter to Industry Canada. To gather this information, RAC invites its members that own a Plasma Screen television to report their experiences of interference from such products.

Specifically, reports should describe the make and model of TV, a description of their HF station and antenna system and the exact nature of the interference (what bands, what sound etc).
Remedies should also be tried and reported such as using ferrite chokes on power lines cords and signal cables if interference is detected.

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Amateurs with advanced instrumentation such as spectrum analyzers and calibrated antennas should measure signal intensity levels at given distances; these measurements will add credibility to our investigation. We also want to know from amateurs that can attest that operation of their own plasma TV causes no noticeable interference to their amateur radio operations.

All digital domestic equipment, including Plasma and LCD television sets must comply with Industry Canada standard ICES 003 (interference causing equipment standard for digital equipment) to be marketed in Canada. Alternately, TV sets with tuners may be certified under Industry Canada BETS 7 standard. Please indicate in any report submitted that a label on the TV or notation in the manual indicates it is indeed certificated and compliant under current issues of ICES 003 and/or the BETS 7 standards.

Source : Ham Radio News

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Ham Radio promoted on TV in New Zealand

Mainland Broadcasting in New Zealand has broadcast an interview on its TV channels supporting ham radio and encouraging new comers to the hobby.

The Nelson Amateur Radio Club is holding an open night on the 16 March at 7.30pm at their clubrooms in Bolt Road (car club rooms) Nelson.

Gary Watson from Mainland Broadcasting (ZL3SV) interviewed Steve Denton (ZL2ASC). The interview was designed to promote the hobby and dispel some of the old myths and explain some of the new technologies on offer.

The interview can be down loaded and used by any club if they wish at no charge provided it is used unedited to promote Ham radio and no charges made.

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Click here to view

Amateur Radio ad on commercial TV in New Zealand

Mainland Television operates free to air TV channels in parts of New Zealand and has put together a TV ad for the Nelson Amateur Radio Club to promote an open night to encourage new members to the hobby.

The TV ad is being broadcast daily on 3 TV channels over the next 2 weeks at no change to the local club. The very simple ad was designed to promote the hobby, the local club and NZART the New Zealand national amateur radio body.

All the costs were covered by the TV station. The ad is in 2 parts, one a generic ad and the other to promote the Nelson clubs open night.

Click here to view

The TV ad is available to any ham radio club or group at no charge provided it is not on sold to other parties

Gary ZL3SV - 73
Source - Ham Radio News

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Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Jom Tengok ISS 15 Feb. 2011

Tahukah anda ISS (International Space Station) yang berada pada ketinggian 365.7km dari bumi yang bergerak pada kelajuaan 27,000km/j boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar?

Percayalah, jawapannya adalah BOLEH!!

Ini kerana pada masa ISS melintas kawasan yang baru hendak bermula malam, ISS yang berada pada kedudukkan yang tinggi itu masih terkena cahaya matahari dan ISS akan membalikkan cahaya matahari atau pun memantul cahaya tersebut. Kejadiaan ini juga boleh disaksikan pada awal pagi sebelum bumi menerima sinaran cahaya matahari.

Oleh yang demikian, penduduk bumi akan dapat melihat pantulan cahaya itu dengan mata kasar. Jika mempunyai binakular / teropong maka akan dapat melihat bentuk ISS itu dengan lebih jelas lagi.


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Untuk membolehkan kita melihat ISS dng jelas, faktor cuaca dan awan juga memainkan peranan yang penting. Kita tidak akan dapat melihat ISS jika keadaan berawan, ini kerana awan berada di bawah ISS maka terlindunglah pandangan kita.

Berikut adalah maklumat tentang jadual perjalanan ISS pada 15hb Feb., 2011:

Tarikh: 15hb Feb. 2011
AOS jam: 20.19 (8.19 malam)
Starting Azimuth: 225 darjah
Maximum Elovation: 42 darjah pada kedudukan 306 darjah Azimuth
LOS:jam 8.29 malam pada Azimuth 27

Kepada HAM Radio, anda boleh mencuba untuk memanggil angkasawan di ISS dng menggunakan callsign NA1SS di freq 145.800MHz down link dan up link 144.490MHz (tanpa tone). Anda juga boleh standby di packet mode APRS 145.825Mhz.

Selamat menonton dan selamat mencuba.

© 9W2KEY / 73's


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Keputusan RAE 2010-4

Keputusan RAE 2010-4 telah pun dikeluarkan. Sila ke Klik Disini.

Ujian CW pertama 2011

Siri Pertama Ujian Kod Morse 2011

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